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The New Era of Go-To-Market Planning

Traditional sales and go-to-market planning efforts are failing. To succeed in today’s markets, you must be able to embrace change and adopt the new drivers of sales team success.

Ready to learn how? This research shares insights on the current state of how sales and revenue leaders can set their teams up for success in today’s change intensive environment.


  • sales-strategies
  • go-to-market-sales-plan
  • sales-strategy
  • sales-enablement-strategy
  • sales-strategy-plan

Report Preview

This industry-leading research report includes:

  • Data from hundreds of sales operations, sales effectiveness, and sales leadership professionals.
  • Examination of the decision-making infrastructure of high performing sales organizations.
  • Insights on how decision-making and planning approaches meet the challenges of an increasingly change intensive operating environment.

Top Insights

Adaptability Fuels Success

Adaptability, foresight, and effective planning are pivotal attributes that positively impact an organization's performance, market standing, and revenue success.

In fact, 70% of companies whose sales leaders proactively anticipate change drivers are more likely to achieve their sales objectives.


Data Transforms GTM Strategies with 8x Impact

Accurate and current data is essential for effective go-to-market planning, improving strategic quality, and positively influencing various business disciplines. High-performing teams prioritize data accuracy.

Organizations with securing accurate data for planning are 8x more effective in overall go-to-market planning.

Collaborative and Tech-Powered Teams Thrive

Collaboration is a must-have, especially when amplified by technology's role in enhancing planning. The inclusion of stakeholders and strategic technology boost organizational effectiveness.

Teams that include stakeholders effectively and use technology are 9x times more likely to be effective.


Effective Planning Impacts Overall Business

Only 40% of sales organizations rate their overall go-to-market planning as effective.

This report finds that sales compensation planning is intricately linked to the success of a company’s go-to-market strategy.

Deconstructing the Data

Hear our resident experts discuss the report findings and identify actionable insights on how sales and revenue leaders can attain resilient revenue.

Connected GTM planning on the path to anticipating and activating change


Modern, Strategic Incentives at the Core of Performance


The Evolution of Organizational Technology and Its Impact on the Sales Force


Build Resilience with a Connected Path to Revenue.

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